MICROTEX®️ HI-CHEM+ Heavy-Duty 15 mil Nitrile Gloves with Liner.
Industry, Petroleum, Chemical, Food & Beverage, Cleaning hygiene, Cleaning gloves, Nitrile gloves, Personal Protective Equipment, Gloves and Sleeve, Usage, Slip Protection, Gloves, Chemical protection, Rubber gloves, Oil protection
MICROTEX®️ Synthetic Gloves Medical gloves, Synthetic Rubber model, powder-free.
Industry, Food & Beverage, Home & Garden, Cleaning, Cleaning hygiene, Cleaning gloves, Synthetic Rubber Gloves, Personal Protective Equipment, Gloves and Sleeve, Gloves, Usage, Slip Protection, Rubber gloves, Prevent disease, Research development
MICROTEX® NITRILE CARE PLUS Blue Nitrile Gloves, Nitrile Powder-Free Model
Gloves, Rubber gloves, Industry, Research development, Food & Beverage, Cleaning, Cleaning hygiene, Cleaning gloves, Nitrile gloves, Personal Protective Equipment, Gloves and Sleeve, Usage, Slip Protection, Oil protection
TOWA PVC OR656 KEV, TOWA branded PVC gloves reinforced with KEV lining.
Personal Protective Equipment, Gloves and Sleeve, Gloves, Usage, Slip Protection, Rubber gloves, Chemical protection, Oil protection, Industry, Petroleum, Chemical, Home & Garden, Cleaning, Cleaning hygiene, Cleaning gloves, PVC gloves