Prevent Allergies with a Thorough Home Cleaning | GLOVETEX.COM

In today's era, many people suffer from allergies, primarily caused by pollution, dust, smoke, and environmental factors, which often trigger more than genetic predispositions. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness at home to rid it of dust and dirt is crucial.
To help alleviate allergy symptoms, we have some cleaning tips to keep your home free from allergens. This ensures not only your own health but also the well-being of your loved ones and the environment

Regularly clean your fan and air conditioner.
Thailand being a hot country, it's essential for every household to have fans or air conditioners to beat the heat. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning fan blades and air conditioner filters, is crucial to reduce indoor dust. For fans, it's advisable to clean them regularly as soon as you notice dust accumulation. As for air conditioners, cleaning them 1-2 times a year or adding an extra cleaning session during the hot season is recommended. Air conditioner filters should be cleaned every 2-3 weeks to maintain their efficiency. These maintenance practices not only ensure the proper functioning of your cooling appliances but also save you money in the long run.
Kimberly-Clark WYPALL CC.Wipers Regular, multi-purpose wiping cloth.

Mattress, pillow, blanket, and curtain cleaning.
Bedding items are things we cuddle up with and use closely every day, making them breeding grounds for bacteria, sweat, and various invisible dust mites that thrive. It's advisable to change bed linens regularly, ideally weekly. Pillowcases, bed covers, and blankets should be washed with hot water and dried in sunlight to eliminate hidden germs effectively. Similarly, curtains should be taken down and laundered regularly since they accumulate dust and allergens. Pillows, blankets, and mattresses should also be aired out in the sun weekly to maintain cleanliness and freshness.

Ventilate the room by opening the windows.
While keeping windows closed can help protect you from outdoor allergens like dust and airborne pollutants, leaving them shut all the time can result in poor air circulation inside your home or room. It's advisable to allow fresh air and sunlight to enter by opening windows for some time, particularly in the morning and evening, to facilitate air circulation and natural light. This helps keep your indoor space well-ventilated, bright, and odor-free. Alternatively, installing an air purifier can also be a viable option to ensure clean indoor air.

Organize your belongings neatly and keep them dust-free.
If your home is cluttered, it's essential to organize and store your belongings properly. Dust mites tend to accumulate on these items, and before you know it, your home could become a breeding ground for them. Therefore, it's important to store your belongings in cabinets with doors or boxes with lids. For collectibles that you want to display, using a glass cabinet can keep them dust-free while also adding a stylish touch to your home.
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